Mr. Serrano was my father-in-law many years ago and I remember him as one of the nicest men I've had the pleasure of nowing and was sad to hear of his passing. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. Kim
Posted by: Kimberly Shatraw Land O Lakes, FL April 21, 2009
Yo soy sonia Cruz Serrano, hija de Angelita Serrano, hermana de Tio Panchito. Por este medio les envio mi condolencia a la Familia. Perdonen no pude estar presente, pues estoy recidiendo en Puerto Rico. Estuve informada siempre por mami. Recuerdo a Tio siempre pues cuando me case el me entrego en la iglesia, pues mi padre habia muerto, esto fue en el ano l971. Visite a Tio y Maria en el 2002 en Tampa y tengo fotos, despues de muchos anos sin verle lo encontre tan joven, feliz y me recibio con mucho carino, igual Maria. Siempre le recordare con Amor pues cuando nos mudamos a new York nos trato muy bien. Dios les de mucho consuelo a Uds. Y Que Tio Descanse en paz con nuestro senor JesuCristo. Les pido no se olviden que tienen una prima aca en P.R. y se pueden comunicar conmigo. Espero verles algun dia. Hoy dia les envio un carinoso y triste abrazo por la partida de nuestro Querido Panchito. Que descanse en paz. Muy Triste con esta noticia, les saluda tu prima Sonia Cruz Serrano.
Posted by: Sonia Bonaparte Castaner, Lares, PR April 20, 2009
I grew up all my life going to see grandpa and he always had the best stories..as I grew older I realized he told the same ones over and over but they remained funny and amuzing. He was always saying we were supposed to be rich b/c he was a serrayes but the stork got tired and dropped him off at the serrano residence. I miss him sooo much but Im thankful for all the things he tought me and great memories that include he and I.
Posted by: Jackie Serrano bacso philadelphia, PA April 19, 2009
Francisco Serrano's Legacy will remain intact and will continue to inspire new generations of what a True father should resemble. He was a wonderful Father and I will always value the memories and the Man that is now rejoicing in the presence of the Lord
Noel Serrano Tampa, FL April 14, 2009
To Maria and the Family of Francisco May The Lord God comfort you in your grief, and give you peace as well as strength. May you know His love and grow closer to Him. Lucy
Posted by: Lucy B Tampa, FL April 10, 2009
Mr. Serrano was my father-in-law many years ago and I remember him as one of the nicest men I've had the pleasure of nowing and was sad to hear of his passing. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. Kim
Posted by: Kimberly Shatraw Land O Lakes, FL April 21, 2009
Yo soy sonia Cruz Serrano, hija de Angelita Serrano, hermana de Tio Panchito. Por este medio les envio mi condolencia a la Familia. Perdonen no pude estar presente, pues estoy recidiendo en Puerto Rico. Estuve informada siempre por mami. Recuerdo a Tio siempre pues cuando me case el me entrego en la iglesia, pues mi padre habia muerto, esto fue en el ano l971. Visite a Tio y Maria en el 2002 en Tampa y tengo fotos, despues de muchos anos sin verle lo encontre tan joven, feliz y me recibio con mucho carino, igual Maria. Siempre le recordare con Amor pues cuando nos mudamos a new York nos trato muy bien. Dios les de mucho consuelo a Uds. Y Que Tio Descanse en paz con nuestro senor JesuCristo. Les pido no se olviden que tienen una prima aca en P.R. y se pueden comunicar conmigo. Espero verles algun dia. Hoy dia les envio un carinoso y triste abrazo por la partida de nuestro Querido Panchito. Que descanse en paz. Muy Triste con esta noticia, les saluda tu prima Sonia Cruz Serrano.
Posted by: Sonia Bonaparte Castaner, Lares, PR April 20, 2009
I grew up all my life going to see grandpa and he always had the best stories..as I grew older I realized he told the same ones over and over but they remained funny and amuzing. He was always saying we were supposed to be rich b/c he was a serrayes but the stork got tired and dropped him off at the serrano residence. I miss him sooo much but Im thankful for all the things he tought me and great memories that include he and I.
Posted by: Jackie Serrano bacso philadelphia, PA April 19, 2009
Francisco Serrano's Legacy will remain intact and will continue to inspire new generations of what a True father should resemble. He was a wonderful Father and I will always value the memories and the Man that is now rejoicing in the presence of the Lord
Noel Serrano Tampa, FL April 14, 2009
To Maria and the Family of Francisco May The Lord God comfort you in your grief, and give you peace as well as strength. May you know His love and grow closer to Him. Lucy
Posted by: Lucy B Tampa, FL April 10, 2009
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