Sunday, December 20, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Los hombres se fueron a cazar, a conseguir carne para la cena. No se sabe a ciencia cierta si los pavos de la región, fueron parte de la cena, ya que ellos usaban el termino "pavo" para cualquier clase de ave silvestre
Otra clase de alimento que casi siempre tenemos para el Día de Acción de Gracias es el pastel de calabazas. Son muy pocas las posibilidades que ese alimento formara parte del menú de la primera celebración de Acción de Gracias. Las reservas de harina se habían usado, así que no había pan o pasteles de ninguna clase. Había suficiente cantidad de calabazas, por que ellas crecían en el campo y ellos las comían cocidas. Tampoco había leche, sidra, papas o mantequilla. No había vacas para producir leche y la papa recién descubierta, muchos aun creían que era venenosa.
La cena incluyó pescado, bayas silvestres, berros, langostas, fruta seca, maíz, almejas, venado y ciruelas.
El Día de Acción de Gracias no se celebraba todos los años. Inclusive no fue hasta Junio de 1676 que se celebró otro Día de Acción de Gracias. El Día de Acción de Gracias fue proclamado oficialmente por el presidente Lincoln en 1863, para ser celebrado el ultimo jueves del mes de Noviembre. En 1941 el Día de Acción de Gracias fue declarado oficialmente, por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos un día festivo, a celebrarse el cuarto jueves del mes de Noviembre.
Cuando celebre este año el Día de Acción de Gracias, hable acerca de los alimentos que preparó para las festividades y cómo estos se diferencian de los alimentos que hubo en la primera celebración del Día de Acción de Gracias.
El cultivo del maíz fue muy importante para los Peregrinos y los nativos indígenas. Era el plato principal y se consumía en toda comida. Había muchas variedades de maíz - blanco, azul, amarillo y rojo.
Alguna cantidad de maíz se secaba para preservarlo y guardarlo como alimento para los meses de invierno. El maíz siempre se trillaba para hacer harina de maíz. La harina de maíz se podía usar para hacer pan de maíz, pudín de maíz, jarabe de maíz, o se podía mezclar con frijoles para preparar succotash (cocción de granos enteros de maíz)
Los Peregrinos no conocían el maíz antes de conocer a los indios.. Los indios les dieron a los Peregrinos semillas de maíz y les enseñaron como cultivar el maíz. Actualmente cultivamos mas hectáreas de maíz que cualquier otro grano.
Adivinanza: �Por qué el granjero ya no dice secretos en el campo de maíz?
Comemos maíz preparado de muchas diferentes maneras. La siguiente es una receta usando harina de maíz y granos de maíz.
Fácil Cacerola de Maíz
1 huevo1/4 taza de margarina1 lata de 8 3/4 onzas de granos de maíz1 lata de 8 3/4 onzas de maíz en crema1 paquete de 8 1/2 onzas de mezcla para pancitos (muffins) de maíz8 onzas de crema agria regular o baja en grasa
Precaliente el horno a 350�F.
Combine todos los ingredientes en una vasija mediana. Vacíelos dentro de un molde para hornear cuadrado de 8 pulgadas, rociado con aceite. Hornear a 350� F por 45 minutos o hasta que esté cocido.
Palomitas de maíz en bolas de melcocha (angelitos)
12 tazas de palomitas de maíz 1/4 de taza de mantequilla o margarina 1 bolsa (10 onzas) de angelitos (melcochas)
Ponga las palomitas de maíz (pop corn) en un tazón o cacerola y póngalas a un lado. Caliente en la estufa a fuego lento la mantequilla y las melcochas en una cacerola para salsa espesa. Ponga el fuego a baja temperatura. Revuelva constantemente hasta que se derrita la mezcla (mantequilla y melcochas) y se observe bien fina. Ahora, ponga las melcochas derretidas sobre las palomitas y mezcle cuidadosamente hasta que las palomitas estén bien cubiertas. Puede hacer figuras. (Ponga un poco de mantequilla en sus manos para que la mezcla no se pegue en sus manos.)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Ahora bien, para los Judios, la crucifixion era una forma de decir al mundo que ellos no estaban interesados en dejar que nadie se levantara arriba de sus costumbres ni su religion. Ellos no eran conquistadores, pero si les interesaba ser el centro de atraccion (especialmente los fariseos) y mantener el control de las costumbres judias a fuerza de traiciones, interpretacion privada de la ley de Dios a su manera, e interponer madamientos de hombres sobre su misma gente. Esto implicaba que todo aquel que rompia ese marco absurdo de control, se volveria su enemigo a muerte. No les interesaba dejar levantar ningun movimiento religioso, ni persona con diferentes puntos de vista, al menos que fuera aprovado por ellos. La biblia menciona que antes de Jesus se habian levantado unos cuantos que intentaron venir con movimientos culturales diferentes pero no les funciono, uno se llamaba Teudas y el segundo era Judas el Galileo (Hechos 5:36-37). Los lideres judios eran amenazadores, eran personas con rostors asperos y con dedos que condenaban, fue por esto que en alguna ocacion Juan el Bautista les llamo “Generacion de Vivoras”,(Lucas 3:7) luego Jesus mismo les llamaria “Sepulcros blanqueados”(Mateo 23:27). En sintesis, para los Judios crucificar a alguien y hacerlo publico era mandar el siguiente mensaje “ESTO LE OCURRIRA A USTED SI SE LEVANTA EN CONTRA DE NOSOTROS.” Fue por eso que ellos insistieron en la crucifixion de Cristo, porque vieron que llamaba la atencion de multitudes y les quitaba el centro de atraccion a ellos (Juan 12:19). Pero el mensaje de Dios para el mundo no era nada parecido ni al de los romanos, mucho menos al de los Judios.
Para Dios la crucifixion de su Hijo Jesus, era el todo. Era la manifestacion de su amor al hombre, era la necesidad de sacrificar sangre inocente para redencion del ser humano. Para Dios la crucfixion era la sanidad de las enfermedades y restauracion moral del hombre en estado de depravacion. Para Dios la crucifixion es la destruccion de satanas y su imperio de muerte (Hebreos 2:14). Para Dios la crucifixion es la garantia de vida eterna para sus hijos, y la bendicion de vivir con El para siempre. Por eso fue que Jesus se dejo llevar como un cordero al matadero sin abrir su boca. Porque en el sacrificio de la cruz estaba el poder maravilloso del amor de Dios.
La crucifixion de Jesus , no solo ha tenido efecto aqui en la tierra, sino tambien el cielo se regocija todos los dias alabando al Hijo de Dios que fue inmolado por nosotros “Digno eres de tomar el libro y de abrir sus sellos; porque tu fuiste inmolado, y con tu sangre nos has redimido para Dios, de todo linaje y lengua y pueblo y nacion; y nos has hecho reyes y sacerdotes, y reinaremos sobre la tierra.” Apocalipsis 5:9-10
Ya no es necesario mas sacrifico para Dios, el cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo ha vencido por nosotros, y todo lo que el compro en la cruz, ahora es nuestro. Por lo tanto hermano y amigo, valoremos el sacrificio de Jesus, permitamosle ser nuestro Salvador y Senor, y vivamos para El.
Muchas Bendiciones
Friday, September 25, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

La pérdida de un ser querido es uno de los momentos mas dificultuosos que podemos pasar en la vida. No hay palabras que adecuadamente puedan expresar la fuerte emoción, nuestro amor y gran aprecio para el hombre que hoy honramos y enviamos a su descanso.
Mi padre, Francisco Serrano, nació el 17 de diciembre1919 en Ponce, Puerto Rico. El fue producto de una familia íntima y grande. Parece que el descubrió la fuente de juventud porque los años de aplicarse con desvelo nunca se reveló en su semblante resplandeciente. Hay muchos que muestran sus heridas de una vida larga y sufrida, desde temprana edad.
Panchito, como afectuosamente era conocido por sus amistades y familia, nunca mostró una característica de un largo sufrimiento o lucha en su vida. Dios le bendijo con una vida activa y de larga duración en medio de crisis, esfuerzos en la iglesia, y tragedias en la familia.
Francisco Serrano era un hombre muy amigable y saliente. El se abrazó a la vida, aún en sus momentos finales.
Mi papá celebraba una historia copiosa y extravagante de cuando niño, que revela una personalidad feliz que surgió de su humilde crianza. Desde pequeñas, sus hermanas menores lo admiraban y lo emularon.
Papá siempre nos contaba el cuento de cuando estaba en la finca de su abuelos, y contemplaba los cielos y miraba a los pájaros grandes, volando muy alto encima de las montañas de Adjuntas. El pensaba que sí podía enseñarle a los puerquitos a volar alto, como los pájaros. Mi papá, un niño gordito, anduvo como un patito al establo y comenzó a echar a los puerquitos hacia el aire, acompañado por su hermana menor, Mina. Ella se sonrió curiosamente mientras miraba a su hermano intentar darle una lección de navegar a los puerquitos. Pobre de ellos, fueron lanzados y caían suavecito al tacto de la grama. Al atardecer, el abuelo de mi papá caminó así al trecho de terreno cultivado y encontro a sus puerquitos por todos lados. Obviamente, algunos de los puerquitos se sentian mal. El abuelo exclamó: "Qué ha pasado aquí?" "¿Quién hizo esto?" La hermana menor, Mina corrió asi al abuelo y declaró....." pano, pano, volla, volla". Mi papá siempre recordaba este momento con risas sinceras y sencillas. Nuestra familia siempre admiraba sus ocurriencias graciosas, siendo encantador, y sus muchos cuentos de cuando niño. Francisco Serrano siempre trató de vivir su vida sin ansiedad o estrés. El tuvo muchas experiencias en su vida extendida con tragedias y más. El sobrevivió muchos fallecidos en su familia grande. Dios bendijo a nuestro padre con longevidad de vida. El vivió una vida estable y fiel al servicio de Dios. Francisco Serrano honró a su padre y madre y cuando su papá falleció, a una temprana edad, el cuidó de su madre y hermanos menores. Francisco sirvió como soldado en el ejército de Los Estados Unidos durante la guerra, WWII y los archivos indican que él le enviaba su pago militar a su mamá.
El era un ejemplo y producto profundo de " la vieja guardia" igual que un miembro de la mejor generación de esta nación. Dios bendice a la persona quen piensa en los demas antes que en si mismo. Dios le da largos dias a aquellos quienes honran a sus padres, este es un mandamiento de Dios con esa promesa. Dios le dió larga vida a Francisco, sobrevivió todos los que se asombraban de su apacible y humilde persona. Era muy amigable, amor a campo, cabello de plata, exterior de carita color de cerezas, era un hombre que amaba a Dios con todo su corazón, mente y espíritu. El amo a su familia con cada respiro. Este fue un hombre que trabajo dia y noche para proveer para su familia, y todavía tomaba tiempo durante los veranos para construirnos carritos de juegos. El nos llevaba a las playas y tomó tiempo para llevar a su esposa a enseñar en sus clases de Biblia en el Instituto. El nos llevó a la Montaña del Oso, nos acariciaba y nos mostraba su amor, porque para él, éramos su tesoro. Mi papá se depertaba cada dia a orar y interceder por su familia. El comenzaba sus oraciones tempranito en la mañana, dándole gracias al Omniponente Dios por un nuevo dia de victoria. Durante las horas de la noche, Francisco, también se incaba a orar en voz alta por su familia, esa fue su costumbre.
Yo deseo decirle a mi querido padre, "padre, ya sabes como me siento por ti." "Fuiste un padre sobresaliente y estoy orgulloso de ser tu hijo." "Quiero que sepas que María y yo siempre estaremos agradecidos por todos los años que compartimos contigo, por las experiencias, el honor y privilegio de cuidarte y servirte durante los últimos cinco años. Compartimos momentos especiales y nuestra apreciación para ti penetra profundamente dentro de nuestros corazones. Nuestro consuelo, en esta hora, es que peleaste la batalla buena de fe, y que ahora estás en un lugar mejor de descanso y que te veremos de nuevo en ese gran amanecer y juntos cantaremos el cántico de los redimidos y nos regocijaremos en la casa de Dios por siempre y siempre, amén.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009

The first observance of Father's Day is believed to have been held on July 5, 1908 in a church located in Fairmont, West Virginia, by Dr. Robert Webb of West Virginia at the Central United Methodist Church of Fairmont.[1]
Sonora Smart Dodd of Washington thought independently of the holiday one Sunday in 1909 while listening to a Mother's Day sermon at the Central Methodist Episcopal Church at Spokane,[2] and she arranged a tribute for her father on June 19, 1910. She was the first to solicit the idea of having an official Father's Day observance to honor all fathers.
It took many years to make the holiday official. In spite of support from the YWCA, the YMCA and churches, it ran the risk of disappearing from the calendar.[3] Where Mother's Day was met with enthusiasm, Father's Day was met with laughter.[3] The holiday was gathering attention slowly, but for the wrong reasons. It was the target of much satire, parody and derision, including jokes from the local newspaper Spokesman-Review.[3] Many people saw it as just the first step in filling the calendar with mindless promotions like "Grandparents' Day", "Professional Secretaries' Day", etc., all the way down to "National Clean Your Desk Day."[3]
A bill was introduced in 1913,[4] US President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea in 1924,[citation needed] and a national committee was formed in the 1930s by trade groups in order to legitimize the holiday.[5]. It was made a federal holiday when President Lyndon Johnson issued a proclamation in 1966.
In addition to Father's Day, International Men's Day is celebrated in many countries, most often on November 19.
The Associated Men's Wear Retailers formed a National Father's Day Committee in New York City in the 1930s, which was renamed in 1938 to National Council for the Promotion of Father's Day and incorporated several other trade groups.[5] This council had the goals of legitimizing the holiday in the mind of the people and managing the holiday as a commercial event in a more systematic way, in order to boost the sales during the holiday.[5] This council always had the support of Dodd, who had no problem with the commercialization of the holiday and endorsed several promotions to increase the amount of gifts.[6] In this aspect she can be considered the opposite of Anna Jarvis, who actively opposed all commercialization of Mother's Day.[6]
The merchants recognized the tendency to parody and satirize the holiday, and used it to their benefit by mocking the holiday on the same advertisements where they promoted the gifts for fathers.[7] People felt compelled to buy gifts even though they saw through the commercial facade, and the custom of giving gifts on that day became progressively more accepted.[7] By 1937 the Father's Day Council calculated that only one father in six had received a present on that day.[7] However, by the 1980s, the Council proclaimed that they had achieved their goal: the one-day event had become a three-week commercial event, a "second Christmas".[7] Its executive director explained back in 1949 that, without the coordinated efforts of the Council and of the groups supporting it, the holiday would have disappeared.[7]
Although the name of the event is usually understood as a plural possessive (i.e. "day belonging to fathers"), which would under normal English punctuation guidelines be spelled "Fathers' Day", the most common spelling is "Father's Day", as if it were a singular possessive (i.e. "day belonging to Father"). Dodd used the "Fathers' Day" spelling on her original petition for the holiday,[2] but the spelling "Father's Day" was already used in 1913 when a bill was introduced to the US Congress as the first attempt to establish the holiday,[4] and it was still spelled the same way when its creator was commended in 2008 by the U.S. Congress.[8]
The officially recognized date of Father's Day varies from country to country. This section lists some significant examples, in order of date of observance.

What Makes a Dad.
Daughter to father poems . A Little Girl Needs Daddy poem
A little girl needs DaddyFor many, many things:Like holding her high off the ground Where the sunlight sings! Like being the deep music That tells her all is right When she awakens frantic with The terrors of the night. Like being the great mountain That rises in her heart And shows her how she might get home When all else falls apart. Like giving her the love That is her sea and air, So diving deep or soaring high She'll always find him there.
Father and son poems :
Perhaps we'll never understand each other. Loving doesn't mean that we agree. If that were so, then I would say, why bother? But there are things I know I'll never see. I'm sure your heart knows what I don't yet know:The pain of loving a reluctant son;The anger, coming fast and building slow,Of being helpless to control someone.You want only that I grow up right,But you know what right is, and I still don't.I have to learn to wield my inner light,And if I follow yours, well, then I won't.I'm sorry for the anger in the air;Though we fight, my love is always there.
Happy Father's Day
A Dad is a person who is loving and kind,And often he knows what you have on your mind.He's someone who listens,suggests, and defends.A dad can be oneof your very best friends!He's proud of your triumphs,but when things go wrong,A dad can be patient and helpful and strong In all that you do,a dad's love plays a part.There's always a place for himdeep in your heart.And each year that passes,you're even more glad,More grateful and proudjust to call him your dad!Thank you, Dad...for listening and caring,for giving and sharing,but, especially, for just being you!Happy Father's Day
Good for father's birthday poems : OUR FATHERS Our fathers toil with hands and heart To make our lives complete.They quietly brave the winter cold,Endure the summer heat.Our fathers' lives are busy, but There's always time for us.They boldly face the ups and downs And seldom ever fuss. Our fathers are the greatest dads.We know you know this, too. But thank you for the chance to share Our love for them with you.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bidst the might ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep;
O, hear us when we cry to Thee
For those in peril on the sea!
Christ, the Lord of hill and plain,
O'er which our traffic runs amain,
By mountain pass or valley low,
Wherever Lord our brethren go,
Protect them by Thy guarding hand
From every peril on the land!
O Spirit Whom the Father sent
To spread abroad the firmament,
O Wind of Heaven, by Thy might
Save all who dare the eagle's flight,
And keep them by Thy watchful care
From every peril in the air!
O Trinity of love and power!
Our brethren shield in danger's hour;
From rock and tempest, fire and foe,
Protect them whereso'er they go.
Thus evermore shall rise to Thee,
Glad praise from air, and land, and sea!

Description: The bronze medal is 1 3/8 inches in width. On the front is a figure of Liberation standing full length with head turned to dexter looking to the dawn of a new day, right foot resting on a war god’s helmet with the hilt of a broken sword in the right hand and the broken blade in the left hand, the inscription "WORLD WAR II" placed immediately below the center. On the reverse are the inscriptions "FREEDOM FROM FEAR AND WANT" and "FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND RELIGION" separated by a palm branch, all within a circle composed of the words "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1914 1945."
Ribbon: The ribbon is 1 3/8 inches wide and consists of the following stripes: 3/8 inch double rainbow in juxtaposition (blues, greens, yellows, reds (center), yellows greens and blues); 1/32 inch White 67101; center 9/16 inch Old Glory Red 67156; 1/32 inch White; and 3/8 inch double rainbow in juxtaposition. The rainbow on each side of the ribbon is a miniature of the pattern used in the WWI Victory Medal.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009

And he sat around the Legion, telling stories of the past.
Of a war that he had fought in and the deeds that he had done,
In his exploits with his buddies; they were heroes, every one.
And tho' sometimes, to his neighbors, his tales became a joke,
All his Legion buddies listened, for they knew whereof he spoke.
But we'll hear his tales no longer for old Panchito has passed away,
And the world's a little poorer, for a Veteran died today.
He will not be mourned by many, just his children and his wife,
For he lived an ordinary and quite uneventful life.
Held a job and raised a family, quietly going his own way,
And the world won't note his passing, though a Veteran died today.
When politicians leave this earth, their bodies lie in state,
While thousands note their passing and proclaim that they were great.
Papers tell their whole life stories, from the time that they were young,
But the passing of a Veteran goes unnoticed and unsung.
Is the greatest contribution to the welfare of our land
A guy who breaks his promises and cons his fellow man?
Or the ordinary fellow who, in times of war and strife,
Goes off to serve his Country and offers up his life?
A politician's stipend and the style in which he lives
Are sometimes disproportionate to the service that he gives.
While the ordinary Veteran, who offered up his all,
Is paid off with a medal and perhaps, a pension small.
It's so easy to forget them for it was so long ago, that our Francisco's, our Bob's, our Joanne's went to battle, but we know
It was not the politicians, with their compromise and ploys,
Who won for us the freedom that our Country now enjoys.
Should you find yourself in danger, with your enemies at hand,
Would you want a politician with his ever-shifting stand?
Or would you prefer a soldier, who has sworn to defend
His home, his kin and Country and would fight until the end?
Francisco was just a common Veteran and his ranks are growing thin,
But his presence should remind us we may need his like again.
For when countries are in conflict, then we find the soldier's part
Is to clean up all the troubles that the politicians start.
If we cannot do him honor while he's here to hear the praise,
Then at least let's give him homage at the ending of his days.
Perhaps just a simple headline in a paper that would say,
Our Country is in mourning, for a Veteran died today."
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mr. Serrano was my father-in-law many years ago and I remember him as one of the nicest men I've had the pleasure of nowing and was sad to hear of his passing. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. Kim
Posted by: Kimberly Shatraw Land O Lakes, FL April 21, 2009
Yo soy sonia Cruz Serrano, hija de Angelita Serrano, hermana de Tio Panchito. Por este medio les envio mi condolencia a la Familia. Perdonen no pude estar presente, pues estoy recidiendo en Puerto Rico. Estuve informada siempre por mami. Recuerdo a Tio siempre pues cuando me case el me entrego en la iglesia, pues mi padre habia muerto, esto fue en el ano l971. Visite a Tio y Maria en el 2002 en Tampa y tengo fotos, despues de muchos anos sin verle lo encontre tan joven, feliz y me recibio con mucho carino, igual Maria. Siempre le recordare con Amor pues cuando nos mudamos a new York nos trato muy bien. Dios les de mucho consuelo a Uds. Y Que Tio Descanse en paz con nuestro senor JesuCristo. Les pido no se olviden que tienen una prima aca en P.R. y se pueden comunicar conmigo. Espero verles algun dia. Hoy dia les envio un carinoso y triste abrazo por la partida de nuestro Querido Panchito. Que descanse en paz. Muy Triste con esta noticia, les saluda tu prima Sonia Cruz Serrano.
Posted by: Sonia Bonaparte Castaner, Lares, PR April 20, 2009
I grew up all my life going to see grandpa and he always had the best stories..as I grew older I realized he told the same ones over and over but they remained funny and amuzing. He was always saying we were supposed to be rich b/c he was a serrayes but the stork got tired and dropped him off at the serrano residence. I miss him sooo much but Im thankful for all the things he tought me and great memories that include he and I.
Posted by: Jackie Serrano bacso philadelphia, PA April 19, 2009
Francisco Serrano's Legacy will remain intact and will continue to inspire new generations of what a True father should resemble. He was a wonderful Father and I will always value the memories and the Man that is now rejoicing in the presence of the Lord
Noel Serrano Tampa, FL April 14, 2009
To Maria and the Family of Francisco May The Lord God comfort you in your grief, and give you peace as well as strength. May you know His love and grow closer to Him. Lucy
Posted by: Lucy B Tampa, FL April 10, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Francisco Serrano was added to the gallery of the many Legions of Veterans that have been honored by their Country and the Armed Forces for their Service to the Nation that they protected. Here are some highlights of the ceremonies at Bay Pines National Cemetery in Pinellas Park, FL. We have also enclosed a brief history of past Military Honors and its origin as a fitting tribute to Francisco Serrano. In the summer of 1862, George F. Root was putting the finishing touches on the words and music of the "Battle Cry of Freedom" that would be adopted as a national anthem (in different versions) by both the Union and the Confederacy. It was the second summer of a terrible war that few had believed would last more than several months. Thousands had already died at places like Wilson's Creek, Bull Run, Shiloh, and Fort Donelson.
On July 17 of that year, Congress enacted legislation that authorized the President to purchase "cemetery grounds" to be used as national cemeteries "for soldiers who shall have died in the service of the country." Fourteen cemeteries were established that first year, including one in the sleepy Maryland town of Sharpsburg where 4,476 Union soldiers were laid to rest after the one day of terrible slaughter that was the Battle of Antietam. (By way of comparison, approximately 3,000 Americans, British and Canadians died on June 6, 1944, in the invasion of Normandy).
By 1870, the remains of nearly 300,000 Union dead had been buried in 73 national cemeteries. Most of the cemeteries were located in the southeast, near the battlefields and campgrounds of the Civil War. After the war, Army crews scoured the countryside to locate the remains of soldiers who had died in battle. They were buried with honor in the new national cemeteries, which were enclosed by brick walls and entered by means of ornate gates. Tragically, however, the identities of nearly half of those who died in service to the Union and are buried in national cemeteries are unknown.
The National Cemetery Administration has evolved slowly since the initial period of great challenge associated with the Civil War. All honorably discharged veterans became eligible for burial in 1873. Cemeteries associated with military posts on the western frontier, such as Fort McPherson, Nebraska, were added to the system in the late 19th century.
In the 1930s, new national cemeteries were established to serve veterans living in major metropolitan areas such as New York, Baltimore, Minneapolis, San Diego, San Francisco, and San Antonio. Several, closely associated with battlefields such as Gettysburg, were transferred to the National Park Service because of their value in interpreting the historical significance of the battles. In 1973, Public Law 93-43 authorized the transfer of 82 national cemeteries from the Department of the Army to the Veterans Administration, now the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Joining with 21 VA veterans cemeteries located at hospitals and nursing homes, the National Cemetery System comprised 103 cemeteries after the transfer.
On November 11, 1998, the President signed the Veterans Programs Enhancement Act of 1998 changing the name of the National Cemetery System (NCS) to the National Cemetery Administration (NCA).
Today, there are 141 national cemeteries in all. VA, through its National Cemetery Administration, administers 125 of them. Two national Cemeteries—Arlington and Soldiers Home—are still administered by the Army. Fourteen national cemeteries are maintained by the Department of the Interior.
More than 3 million Americans, including veterans of every war and conflict—from the Revolutionary War to the Gulf War—are honored by burial in VA's national cemeteries. Approximately 17,000 acres of land from Hawaii to Maine, and from Alaska to Puerto Rico are devoted to the memorialization of those who served this nation. More than 300 recipients of the Medal of Honor are buried in VA's national cemeteries.
In April 2007, VA opened its 125Th cemetery—South Florida VA National Cemetery. Currently 65 VA cemeteries (in 34 states) are able to provide the full range of service to America's veterans and their families. An additional 21 provide burial for family members already buried and they can also bury cremated remains.
In 1999 and 2003, with the passage of two laws, Congress directed VA to establish 12 new national cemeteries. One has been opened in Oklahoma, one in Pennsylvania, one in Michigan, one in Georgia, one in California, and one in Florida. The rest – one in Alabama, one in California, two in Florida, one in Pennsylvania and one in South Carolina – will be located near large populations of veterans who currently do not have access to a burial option.
In addition to providing a grave site and a grave liner, VA opens and closes the grave, provides a headstone or marker, a Presidential Memorial Certificate, a U.S. Flag, and perpetually cares for the grave at no cost to the veteran's family.
Today, more than 24 million veterans and Reservists and National Guard members with 20 years qualifying service (who are entitled to retired pay or would be entitled, if at least 60 years of age), have earned the honor of burial in a national cemetery. Veterans with discharges other than dishonorable, their spouses and dependent children may be eligible for burial in a VA national cemetery. Those who die on active duty may also be buried in a national cemetery. Francisco Serrano is now buried at Bay Pines National Cemetery along with his beloved wife Felicita M. Serrano and their youngest son Wilson Serrano. There will be no more family members buried at this site. This will be a very special place for the Serrano family. We all know that they now rest in the Arms of the Almighty, but this burial site has always been a place to reflect and honor their memory. Now, even more so with the final resting place of Francisco Serrano. We will never forget them and we will always Honor them.